About Me

Reading Magic

Reading is the magic key to take you where you want to be” Notes from Nora
Paula is an educator who holds a master’s degree in education and has 10 years of experience in the education field. Before earning a master’s degree in education, she worked in the education field as a substitute teacher.
Paula began her career teaching ELA  at an A+  rated magnet school in Shreveport. While there, Paula encouraged and inspired many readers. Her school librarian, that Paula dubbed the “Book Whisperer” with the same name as Donalyn Miller’s book, was highly influential in Paula’s quest to put a book in every child’s hands.
Paula currently teaches Reading and Language arts to 6,7, and 8th-grade students. She has recently been gifted with the Louisiana Reader’s Choice books through DonorsChoose, and most recently the funding of an Art Research Project Book Collection.
She believes in the meshing of digital and analog. She often uses the Google Suite as the digital format for innovative, interactive, and engaging lessons. Google Classroom is home base for her students’ learning. Here students can comment, post, ask questions, and submit assignments.
Paula closely follows  Donalyn Miller, Gretchen Barnabei, Penny Kittle, and Jeff Anderson. She is currently interested in adding certification for Reading Specialist and Library Science.
In 2016, she was inducted into the Pointe Coupee Wall of Fame for a proficiency rate of 80% and 50% with basic and mastery at a school that was rated D at the time.
It is Paula’s goal to inspire students to love reading as much as she does.

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